This is a musical for families, based on the popular "Fairy Houses" series of books by New Hampshire author Tracy Kane. In 2007, Brad Kenney, the Artistic Director of the Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine, commissioned me and composer Ken Clifton to write the show. it premiered in Ogunquit in the summer of 2007, and has been performed again in 2008 and 2009 to appreciative audiences. Tracy is very interested in the notion of getting kids away from the computer, outside the house, to enjoy thw wonders of nature. FAIRY HOUSES, THE MUSICAL introduces a large group of children who are, in fact, glued to their electronic, indoor world. When one of them is approached by a talking cricket (it is a family show, after all) who tries to convince her that the fairy houses need to be constructed in order to keep the magic alive in her town, it is up to her to coax her disbelieving friends to help with the project. It ain't easy. It takes a lot of coaxing, and singing, and dancing, to make it all happen.
This play is not currently available for production. If you are interested in the show, please CONTACT ME, and I will update you on the disposition of the show.