SANDBAG, STAGE LEFT (OR, ONE DEAD DOLLY) BY JOHN ANTHONY The scene is the courtroom of Superior Court of Mill City, Massachusetts. (Throughout the course of the play, Mr. Anthony has placed in italics topical references and the like which may be altered by the director to suit the tenor of the day's news. Also in italics are optional stage directions.) At rise, the court session is ready to open. Theme music plays (some lawyer based recognizable TV show theme will do). The BAILIFF enters and, one by one, the WITNESSES, who will be identified later when they testify, enter the courtroom and are escorted by the Bailiff through an exit to their waiting room. The Judge has not made his appearance. The Prosecution and Defense enter after the Witnesses. and move to their respective tables. Presently, the PRISON GUARD, whose name is Barry but who will hereafter be referred to as the Prison Guard, brings in ARNOLD MEDDLE, who is an essentially nondescript man in his mid-forties. The Bailiff now rises, and speaks sharply. BAILIFF All rise! All rise quickly for the Bailiff spoke very sharply. JUDGE ROY L. BEEN enters in his robes and mounts the steps leading to his chair behind the bench. The Bailiff then speaks again. BAILIFF (cont'd) (continued) Superior Court Number Eleven of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Honorable Judge Roy L. Been presiding. JUDGE (sits; sharply, to Bailiff) That's "Been," My name is prounounced "Been" as in "pin," not "Been" as in "bean." BAILIFF Sorry Judge. Thought I'd kick things off with a little humor. JUDGE Well, knock it off! BAILIFF Yes, Judge. JUDGE (clears throat) The people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts versus Arnold Meddle. CLING (a woman) Ready, your Honor. JUDGE Ready for what, Ms. Cling? CLING Ready to proceed, your Honor. JUDGE Did I ask you? CLING No, your Honor. JUDGE Then you're not ready. CLING Yes, your Honor. JUDGE Mr. Static, are you ready? STATIC (a man) Yes, your Honor! The Defense is ready. I have no idea why the Prosecution isn't ready. CLING (to Static) She told me I wasn't ready. STATIC Well, I'm ready. CLING Suck-up. STATIC Toady. CLING Brown Nose. STATIC Wuss. JUDGE Counsel! That is enough! BAILIFF...DRAW THE JURY! BAILIFF Draw?....Well, you see, I'm not really artistically inclined, and I think it would be better... JUDGE Choose! Choose! Draw the jury means choose the jury! BAILIFF Oh. I thought we already drew the jury. JUDGE We did. But I dismissed them all. CLING May we ask why, your Honor? JUDGE You may. CLING Why, your Honor? JUDGE Why what? CLING Why have you dismissed all the drawn jurors? It took us so long to draw them. JUDGE I caught them all in Denny's this morning signing book deals. STATIC I commend your Honor's honor for stemming the onslaught of these unscrupulous literary agents. JUDGE Onslaught stemming had nothing to do with it. I was upset because nobody invited me to Denny's. DRAW ME ANOTHER JURY! The Bailiff moves into the audience and chooses twelve people who w